Mistakes People Make After Being Charged With A DWI

Not Hiring the Right Guy/Gal

1. Not giving the matter the serious attention it deserves or believing you can’t win. If you are convicted for DWI or Refusal, this charge will remain on your driving history forever and could cost you from being hired in potential job fields. The motor vehicle surcharges and insurance increases alone will cost you thousands of dollars.

2. Not hiring a DWI or Criminal Attorney. Everyone has some cousin, friend, or friend of a friend who is an attorney who does real estate closings, divorces or bankruptcy law. The mistake comes into play when you hire an attorney who does not handle DWI cases on a regular basis. The case law and statutes are complex and you need competent representation by an attorney in this particular discipline.

3. Retaining a Lawyer based solely on the lower cost of the fee. The municipal prosecutor and police have a lot of resources when it comes to trying to convict you of DWI. A person needs to retain a lawyer and pay an amount which will allow the lawyer to effectively investigate  your case, hire experts and bring the matter to trial if necessary.

4. Talking to someone about your case other than the lawyer you hired. Anything you say to a cop or any person can be used against you. Additionally, talking to a non-lawyer about your case will only lead you to make baseless and erroneous assumptions about the strengths and weaknesses in your case.

5. Representing yourself in Court. The old maxim that “the person who represents himself has a fool for a client” still rings true. You need to have a DWi or Criminal Attorney go to Court with you

Not hiring an attorney who is versed with respect to your constitutional rights  and lacking in DWI law can be disastrous in your defense.

Alexander Truluck focuses his practice as a criminal defense attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

For more information, visit our website at http://www.criminallawyerclearwaterflorida.com

or call (727) 799-3550.

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