FireStick Felony

You can buy a Firestick from Amazon, and by following instructions on YouTube, you canstreaming access proprietary streaming content like HBO, Showtime and the NFL channel. You probably didn’t realize that it is illegal to do that.

The ever entertaining Brady Judd held a news conference last week where he announced that they had arrested 4 people for selling Firesticks that had been modified to do this. Based on consumer complaints received from shoppers at the International Market World Flea Market near Auburndale, Polk County Sheriff’s Office detectives began an investigation related to the sale of electronic devices marketed as a way to steal internet communications services.

According to Sheriff Judd, if you use a Firestick in this manner, you are committing a misdemeanor, although enforcement would be highly unlikely, If you are selling these devices, it’s a felony, and if they weren’t charging sales tax, that adds a whole new area of problems.

Visibility was the key to their downfall. They were advertising openly at the flea market, and in one lady’s case, in her store. I suspect they never suspected they were committing a crime.

Alexander Truluck focuses his practice as a criminal defense attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 799-3550.

Loved Ones Scam

Local authorities have advised us that there is a widely spread scam currently being scamoperated in the area, primarily with older victims. The victim is told by the scammer that their loved one, typically a grandson or granddaughter, is in some sort of trouble, like an arrest for DUI or assault. The victim is told not to tell other family members of loved ones about the problem at the request of the grandchild.

The victims are being told to purchase bitcom coins or prepaid gift cards, which are to be sent to the scammer. We were told about one situation recently where an 88 year old woman sent $20,000 in cash by UPS to an address specified by the scammers. Fortunately in this case, UPS intercepted the shipment when the UPS driver became suspicious. Apparently the address was an abandoned building. The cash was returned to the victim.

Another scam being reported currently involves gift cards. Apparently the scammers scan the gift card information while the victim is buying the gift card in the store. Then the gift card balance is transferred by the scammer electronically.

If you have been accused of operating a scam to any other crime, call Alex Truluck. Alexander Truluck focuses his practice as a criminal defense attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 799-3550.