Using Expungement to Clear Your Record

Obviously everyone would like to have a clean slate – their record cleaned. Expungement is Clean slatethe process of having any convictions or arrests removed from public records in order to clean up your record, thereby eliminating unwanted negative information that can impact your life. Although an expungement will not remove the criminal history from law enforcement data bases, any public records would no longer show certain records if properly expunged. There is certain criterion that must be met in order to qualify, so it is important for you to contact an attorney so that we may provide you with the proper legal advice regarding your specific situation.

When someone has met all probation criteria and obeyed all court orders, and has no new criminal offenses in the past ten years, they likely may qualify for an expungement. Obtaining an expungement provides the individual with the opportunity to eliminate the negative effects of having certain convictions appear on their record, which can impact you in the following ways:

  • Employment opportunities
  • Educational possibilities
  • Housing options
  • Immigration status
  • Loan applications
  • Insurance rates

It is not until after a conviction that someone realizes the long lasting effects that can remain years after you have served your time, met your probation or paid your fines. A DUI on your record can severely affect your job opportunities in addition to increasing your insurance rates. If you are an immigrant, a conviction of certain types of charges could risk your ability to remain legally in the country. And most any type of conviction will make it difficult to obtain housing and jobs, when someone becomes aware of your record.

You can count on Alexander Truluck to provide you with the best advice on how to go about petitioning the court for an expungement. With the correct and accurate presentation, your chances of an expungement can increase markedly. This service is very cost effective for the benefit it provides.

Don’t let your past haunt you for years to come, find out whether you qualify for an expungement. We are available to serve you throughout not just the Tampa Bay area but all of Florida.

We can expunge many felonies as well as misdemeanors. We can reduce many felony convictions to misdemeanors and we may even be able to help if you have been sentenced to state prison. This process is called a Certificate of Rehabilitation and is like a pardon. Obtaining a certificate of rehabilitation requires adhering to strict rules, but a competent lawyer can help you achieve this.

We have also been successful in erasing arrest records. That’s right, if you were arrested and no charges were filed, it is possible to have your arrest record changed. Most lawyers don’t know how to do this or care to take the time. Call a lawyer who can help save your reputation.

The reason why we like clearing people’s records is because it usually means that they have been leading successful, productive lives and it gives us great satisfaction to see this.

Alexander Truluck focuses his practice as a criminal defense attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 799-3550.


Don’t Run if you Don’t Have a Driver’s License

It is not a good idea to evade police even if you don’t have a drivers license or have been DUIdrinking.

Many people offer excuses when I being arrested for evading law enforcement. Why didn’t you stop? They may say that they were scared because their license was suspended or they were scared because they had been drinking.

None of these answers justify evading police. Evading law enforcement as a felony carries a mandatory minimum 180 days in county jail and up to three years in prison. This is assuming nobody gets injured or killed in the pursuit. By contrast, even a third offense DUI only carries a mandatory minimum of 120 days. Driving on a suspended license with no priors does not require mandatory jail and with priors is usually 30 days or less.

So, even if you think you may be over the legal limit for alcohol consumption and even if your privilege to drive is suspended, if you see those flashing lights behind you or you hear that siren and see the cops, pull to the right and stop as soon as possible. You will be much better off in the long run than if you try to evade the police.

If you or someone you know has been arrested for evading police, DUI, driving on a suspended license or any other criminal charge call a lawyer with the ability and experience to get the job done right.

Alexander Truluck focuses his practice as a criminal defense attorney in Clearwater, Palm Harbor, Largo, Dunedin and the Tampa Bay area.

For more information, visit our website at
or call (727) 799-3550.